Hamilton Brantford – Rail Trail

Hamilton to Brantford
Posted on July 12, 2019 / 38136
Hamilton Brantford – Rail Trail
Listing Types : Rail Trail
Location : Western Ontario
Note : Popular
Total Trail Km : 32
Double track % : 95
Road % : 5
Rate Skill Levels : Easy, Intermediate
Terrain : sandy spots, paved, crushed gravel, wood chips, bridges, flat sections, drains well, gentle hills
Faclities : parking, food close by, toilet, outhouse, drinking water, change rooms, trailhead map, good signage, trails maintained
Trail Fee : Free

Length – 32 km

95% rail trail
5% roads, crossings, detours

Elevation – The east side offers a slow, easy climb from about 13 km, starting from the lake in Hamilton through farm country where the path levels off.

Terrain – A wide, well-maintained path, consisting of crushed stone, some gravel and asphalt, and a few road crossings.

Skill – Easy

Traffic – Bicyclists, hikers, and horseback riders; cross-country skiers in the winter.

Maps – Signs are located at the gate, and the path is well-signed along the way with map boards.

Facilities – Parking, with washrooms and a store nearby; benches along the trail.

Highlights – The picturesque Dundas Valley Conservation Area and train station, as well as stunning views of Hamilton farms and the quarry.

Phones – 1 866 900 4722

Website – Grand River Conservation Authority

Similar Trails – CaledonUxbridgeKissing Bridge

Local Clubs – Hamilton Cycling Club

Access – In Hamilton, parking can be found at the Dundas Valley Conservation Area, and in Brantford at Jerseyville.

The Hamilton to Brantford Bicycle Rail Trail is one-third of the full length of this popular route, which continues to Cambridge. Overall, it is a total of 80 km and part of the Trans-Canada Trail.

Starting in Hamilton, enjoy a long, gradual climb through the treed Dundas Valley Conservation Area and up into the farmlands of Southern Ontario. After 18 km you pass the small village of Jerseyville before reaching Brantford.

Riders setting out from Hamilton may want to begin at the old starting point at Ewen Rd. From here, the trail is more naturalized and has a firm, crushed-stone base.

The trail continues as a flat path before it becomes even more treed, slowly climbing 9 km up the valley and into the Dundas Park forest.

Here, riders can stop at the replica of the old train station to refresh with a bathroom break, get water or buy a snack. From here, continue on or take a side trail into the park.

Heading west up the valley will take cyclists around a large S-curve. This longer route originally was to give locomotives a gentler slope to negotiate.

The Rail Trail peaks at the ruins of Summit Station. Congratulations – that was a 240 metre climb, and I’m sure it will be much easier for you than for a train pulling freight!

The trail now gradually descends for 20 km through farmland and into the village of Jerseyville before going on to…


Read the rest of this review in my trail guidebook, with better maps, parking suggestions & train history when you buy the eBook or paperback.

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Hamilton to Branford Rail Trail map

Hamilton to Branford Rail Trail map


Total Score 6 REVIEWS
Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout:
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Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout: