Upper Ottawa R. – Park Trail

Posted on August 20, 2020 / 3036
Upper Ottawa R. – Park Trail
Listing Types : Park Trail
Location : Eastern Ontario
Note : EPIC Ride
Total Trail Km : 17
Park Path % : 95
Road % : 5
Rate Skill Levels : Easy
Terrain : paved, bridges, gentle hills, open field
Faclities : parking, food close by, toilet, outhouse, drinking water, change rooms, trailhead map, good signage, trails maintained
Trail Fee : Free

Length – 17 km (one way)

95% park path
5% roads, detours

Elevation – Flat, with rolling mounds.

Terrain – Mostly paved, with some gravel and sand, as well as bridges.

Skill – Easy.

Traffic – Busy on summer weekends with bikers, people rollerblading, and walkers.

Maps – Plenty of map boards and trail markers; follow the centre line.

Facilities – Plenty of parking lots and toilets, and a snack bar, as well as benches, picnic tables, and a rain shelter.

Highlights – Scenic parks, river vistas, and beaches, as well as some interesting bridges.

Trail Fee – Free.

Phone – 613 239 5000

Website – NCC – National Capital Commission

Similar Trails – Rideau Canal, Lower Rideau River, Cornwall Waterfront,

Local Clubs – Ottawa Bicycle Club

Access – Parking lots at:Mill St. Pub, Westboro Beach, Deschenes Rapids, Britannia Beach, and Haydon Park.

This trail connects from other bike paths along the Rideau Canal and Pinecrest Creek.

The Ottawa River Pathway (SJAM) is a favourite of many cyclists in town, either to ride recreationally or to commute. The pathway runs 30 km along the river’s south edge in two sections.

This review is for the upper 17 km section, west of downtown, which starts at the Rideau Canal Locks and connects with the Rideau Canal bike path as well.

This Park trail is all paved asphalt and meanders in a continually curving path that follows the river bank. No nasty hills here to strain yourself, just easy cruising over small mounds put in by landscapers to keep it interesting for bicyclists.

The trail goes through manicured parkland, with trees planted at random to give a little shade, although most is open to the sun and wind. (It was blowing hard the day I went!)

I may use the word too often, but pleasant comes to mind (if ever a word be used) to describe this place.

The scenery seen along this mighty river is comprised of islands, rapids, dams, bridges, and small beaches. Citizens and tourists alike stroll and lay about, relaxing on the lawns.

Numerous lookouts give riders the opportunity to stop and enjoy the view, with plaques to give historical context.

One negative aspect of the trail is you can never escape the sight and sound of cars, as you might in other city parks. With four lanes of traffic, the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway (SJAM) also runs along the riverbank, and its presence is never far away.

Heading up the river from the canal at the east end…


Read more of this review in my trail guidebook, plus 64 others. Featuring better maps, more parking locations and elevation graphs. Available as an eBook or paperback.

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Park Paths MapOttawa River bike trail map

Ottawa River bike trail map

Total Score 1 REVIEW
Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout:
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Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout: