Right from the heart of downtown Guelph runs a 7 km Park/Rail trail that leads all the way out to Guelph Lake. This is one of the Royal Recreation Trail routes, which follows the Speed River to the dam at the lake.
The route is a mix of old rail line, parkland, and forest, with five road and bridge crossings. Following the river makes this a comfortable and flat, yet long, ride if one does the full length and back (16 km).
The scenery is indeed varied and enjoyable. Starting from downtown, at Wyndham St. S. and Wellington St. E., the Downtown Trail (as locals call it) works its way from there and up the riverbank.
The path passes by old stone buildings (some in ruins) and through parklands, providing glimpses of the slow-flowing river on the right. One can see old homes and industries while travelling on behind the buildings.
As an urban Rail Trail, some of the route runs parallel to train tracks that I believe are still in use. After George St. a short 2 km of the trail splits off west and into…
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