Haliburton Forest – MTB Trail

1095 Redkenn Rd. Haliburton
Posted on May 25, 2019 / 7855
Haliburton Forest – MTB Trail
Listing Types : MTB Trail
Location : Northern Ontario
Note : EPIC Ride
Total Trail Km : 300
MTB Track % : 30
Double track % : 40
Hiking trail % : 30
Rate Skill Levels : Easy, Intermediate, Advanced
Terrain : sandy spots, smooth soil, logs jumps, water crossing, can be muddy, bridges, large hills, steep hills, twisty & gnarly, tree roots, rocky patches
Faclities : parking, bike wash, food close by, toilet, outhouse, drinking water, change rooms, lodging, trailhead map, good signage, trails maintained, bike rentals
Trail Fee : $16 day pass

Length – 300+ km

30% MTB single track
30% hiking trail
40% double track access roads

Elevation – Rolling hills among lakes with few steep sections. Access roads are level.

Terrain – Smooth soil base, can be muddy, mixed with gravel and rock/boulder outcrops.

Skill – All levels, Advanced riders can ride and ride all weekend

Traffic – Mountain bike riders, a few hikers close to the gate area and no one way in. Logging trucks perhaps in some areas.

Maps – paper map is given with entry

Facilities – Parking, bike rentals, out house, washing station, cabin rentals

Highlights – Large expansive area to explore, solitude, wilderness and beautiful fall colours.

Trail Fee – $ 18 (bike rental $25 half day, $35 full)

Phone – 1 800 631 2198

Website – Haliburton Forest

Similar Trails – Ganaraska, Georgian, Minnesing

Local Clubs – Muskoka Off Road Cyccling Association – MORCA

Access – Trails are north beyond the base camp, office and cabins.

Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve is a huge private forested area due north of the town of Haliburton. Endless trail can be found in here for all levels of riders.

Tons of trail and challenges with some mud, rock, and roots in there for thrills. Full of bugs in June, better in August, and beautiful in the fall.

Claims of 300 km of riding is a stretch, maybe a third you can enjoy and of that only the ones close to the gate are worthy of MTB action.

Worth the drive for a two-day ride weekend or a day ride if you have a cottage nearby.

Base camp is at Kennisis Lake where one can rent a bike or stay overnight in cabins. I enjoyed a few fall weekends at the Boiler Room cabin years ago. There are a few other places to say or camp nearby.

Though there are trails way in the back my experience is that they are not well used or marked.

Naturally closer to camp are the more worn and funky trails everyone rides.

Some trail may be just gravel/dirt roads for mellow cruising in the wilderness but others are wicked fast twisty fun for the experienced rider.

There are …


Read more of this review in my MTB guidebook with topo maps and riding tips, available as an eBook or paperback.

mtb trail guide

Haliburton MTB trail map

Total Score 3 REVIEWS
Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout:
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Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout: