Oak Ridge – Park Trail

12611 Yonge St., Richmond Hill
Posted on June 28, 2019 / 5901
Oak Ridge – Park Trail
Listing Types : Park Trail
Note : New Trail
Total Trail Km : 8
Park Path % : 98
Road % : 2
Rate Skill Levels : Intermediate, Advanced
Terrain : sandy spots, crushed gravel, wood chips, flat sections, drains well, steep hills, open field
Faclities : parking, food close by, good signage, trails maintained
Trail Fee : Free

Length – 8 + 3 km (one way)

98% park path
2% road crossings, detours

Elevation – There are rolling hills, with steep hills at Bond Lake and in Jefferson Woods.

Terrain – Crushed fine gravel (still new and loose), and some asphalt on hill sections.

Skill – Intermediate Park rider

Maps – Map boards, numbered trail markers (not all signs are up yet); best to print a map.

Traffic – Bikes, hikers, busy on nice weekends.

Facilities –  Parking lots, (no toilets?), rest areas, food close via Yonge St.

Highlights – Quiet, scenic, varied terrain (sunrise and sunset should be nice).

Trail Fee – Free

Phone – 416 661 6600

Website – Toronto Region Conservation AuthorityRichmond Hill

Similar Trails – Jefferson, Nokiidaa, Upper Humber

Local Clubs – Toronto Bicycle Network, Toronto Bicycle Club

Access – Parking lots at 12611 Yonge St., Public Golf Course 12481Bathurst St., Grovewood Park, Oak Ridge Community Centre, 1245 Bethesda Side Rd.

I am excited to announce the new 8 km Oak Ridge Corridor trail is now open and a wonderful reason to get out on your bike. Just north of Toronto, in Richmond Hill, this old favourite hiking path has now been upgraded to carry bicycle traffic too.

Not only is this a close, central location for many Toronto (GTA) folks, but it also runs east-west through quiet, scenic woodlots, fields and by small lakes.

Though most Park cycle paths follow a relatively flat river trail, not so on this route. Expect a different type of Park ride with more hills and open spaces to it.

Some hills are quick and steep, others can be circumvented or walked if you are feeling lazy. These extra challenges and the fine gravel base makes this an Intermediate Park rated ride.

We started our outing on the top east end, at the Bethesda Side Rd. parking lot. The gravel path is so new; it was very loose in sections and will need a few winters to pack down. Also, a few map boards have yet to get signage so you might wish to print a map.

The route skirts the west edge of Jefferson Forest passing new townhouse developments (that look actually well designed). As you ride south and then west, this part has the most hills.

Much has changed here in the 20 years I have been mountain biking the area. This path meets many dirt trails that may tempt you. Unless you have a MTB and good legs, stick to the main route.

At one point this gravel path dips down and…


Read the rest of this review and 59 others in my NEW book, Volume 2 of Best Bicycle Park & Rail Trails in Ontario.

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Open Street Maps

Oak Ridge bike path map

Oak Ridge bike path map

Total Score 1 REVIEW
Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout:
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Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout: