Chinguacousy – Park Trail

Posted on September 28, 2019 / 5285
Chinguacousy – Park Trail
Listing Types : Park Trail
Total Trail Km : 9
Park Path % : 95
Road % : 5
Rate Skill Levels : Easy
Terrain : paved, crushed gravel, bridges, flat sections, gentle hills, open field
Faclities : parking, food close by, toilet, outhouse, drinking water, trailhead map, shelter
Trail Fee : Free

Length – 9 km (one way)

95 % park path
5 % road crossings, detours

Elevation – Flat with quick dips; climbs for road and water crossings.

Terrain – Wide paved path, with gravel patches, bridges and benched tunnels.

Skill – Easy

Maps – Limited amount of map boards, trail markers, bring your phone map app.

Traffic – Underused path with occasional cyclists, or walkers with dogs.

Facilities – Parking lot, toilets, snack bar, benches, picnic tables, rain shelter.

Highlights – Bridges, ponds, main park area.

Trail Fee – Free

Phone – 905 874 2000

Website – City of Brampton 

Similar Trails –  Upper Etobicoke Creek, Upper Humber River, Nokiidaa

Local Clubs – Brampton Cycling Club

Access – Large parking lots at these parks beside the path and many side streets have access paths:

  • Ellen Mitchell Recreation Centre
  • Balmoral Recreation Centre
  • Victoria Park Arena
  • Civic Centre
  • Brampton Soccer Centre
  • Donald Gordon Chinguacousy Park

In the midst of Brampton lies the 9 km long Chinguacousy Park path, a trail worth cycling on any sunny day to wash away your worries.

In the middle of the summer on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, we were cruising the length of this fine trail. All was good, except for one thing — where are the cyclists, I kept wondering?!

This was an odd occurrence considering the path was accessible to many locals, easy to ride, scenic and long enough to make it a good outing. Yet there were few bikes to be seen. Exactly why is a mystery, as I have travelled enough routes to recommend this one. 

The Chinguacousy (native for “land of tall pines”) path runs north/south following a creek with a paved trail linking numerous parks.

Halfway along it connects with the large main Donald Gordon Chinguacousy Park that has ponds, gardens, petting zoo, refreshments and washrooms. 

Parts of the way you can cycle alternate paths back, rest on benches and see neighbourhood backyards. 

So why the lack of interest among cyclists? I would speculate a few things are not up to par on the trail which may keep some cyclists away. 

The need for more signage/maps was evident. We had to check our position too many times, especially at three-way junctions. So many spur trails…


Read the rest of this review and 59 others in my NEW book, Volume 2 of Best Bicycle Park & Rail Trails in Ontario.

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Chinguacousy cycling trail - dark blue line

Total Score 1 REVIEW
Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout:
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Fun Factor: Scenic: Trail Design: Technical: Workout: